Plataforma Solar de Almería, CIEMAT

Solar Platform of Almería, CIEMAT

Plataforma Solar de Almería Plataforma Solar de Almería belonging to CIEMAT is an ICTS considered the largest R&D center in the world dedicated to solar thermal and photochemical energy systems. The Solar Water Treatments group seeks knowledge in photocatalysis on a pilot and pre-industrial scale. Between 2017-2021, the members of the group were co-authors of 98 articles in journals with a high impact factor, 12 books/book chapters, 9 doctoral theses and more than 250 communications at conferences. This group has been involved in national and regional projects, FP4-7, EU, H2020 and Green Deal programmes. Research team: Dr. Alba Ruiz-Aguirre (IP), 1 research professor (Prof. Sixto Malato), 6 PhD researchers, 7 predocs and 2 technicians.

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FOTOFUEL reúne de partida a un consorcio multidisciplinar que cuenta con más de 100 investigadores pertenecientes a 10 instituciones de referencia a nivel internacional en la producción de combustibles solares, entre las que se cuentan 2 ICTS. La red agrupa a jóvenes investigadores y científicos de reconocido prestigio con amplia experiencia en el campo y con un elevado número de colaboraciones con grupos de investigación y empresas tanto nacionales como internacionales.