Institute of Materials Science of Seville

Institute of Materials Science of Seville - CSIC

The group “Catalytic Materials and Processes for the Environment and Energy” has as its main lines the development of catalytic and photocatalytic materials with applications in the field of the environment and energy. In this way, the research that has been carried out in recent years includes materials synthesis, solid state chemistry and surface chemistry, paying great attention to a deep characterization of the catalysts. In the last 5 years the research group has participated in more than 10 regional, national, European and company projects, and has published more than 100 articles. Research team: Dr. G. Colón (PI) and 2 pre-doctoral researchers.

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FOTOFUEL reúne de partida a un consorcio multidisciplinar que cuenta con más de 100 investigadores pertenecientes a 10 instituciones de referencia a nivel internacional en la producción de combustibles solares, entre las que se cuentan 2 ICTS. La red agrupa a jóvenes investigadores y científicos de reconocido prestigio con amplia experiencia en el campo y con un elevado número de colaboraciones con grupos de investigación y empresas tanto nacionales como internacionales.