
Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC)

The Energy Storage and Energy Harvesting Laboratory of IREC focuses on the development of chemical and electrochemical means for storing large amounts of energy, mainly by CO2 conversion and by solar fuels generation through electrolysis and photo(electro)catalysis. For that purpose, IREC researchers develop materials and reactors for artificial photosynthesis. In the last five years, the goup has taken part in more than 10 national, European and company-funded projects, and has published more than 100 articles. The IREC research team in FOTOFUEL is leaded by Dr. Andreu, and coount on the participation of a Full Professor, three postdoctoral researchers and two PhD students.

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FOTOFUEL reúne de partida a un consorcio multidisciplinar que cuenta con más de 100 investigadores pertenecientes a 10 instituciones de referencia a nivel internacional en la producción de combustibles solares, entre las que se cuentan 2 ICTS. La red agrupa a jóvenes investigadores y científicos de reconocido prestigio con amplia experiencia en el campo y con un elevado número de colaboraciones con grupos de investigación y empresas tanto nacionales como internacionales.